• orange cat playing with toy

    The Perfect Cat Toy

    Cats love playing as much as they love sleeping, and that’s saying a lot! No object is too small, big, or trivial for your cat to consider it a toy. There are many toys you can purchase at the pet store and even more items in your home that can easily become your cat’s favorite toy. So what is a cat looking for? They love shiny, crinkly, and tinkly things, even better if they’re filled with catnip. A classical cat favorite is the toy mouse. It doesn’t matter if it looks like a real mouse, or it’s glittery and outrageous in color. Cats love to swat, throw, stalk, tease, and…

  • lab with kitten

    Socializing your new kitten

    Of course, kittenhood is also a crucial time for socializing your cat. In order for him to grow into a well-balanced adult cat, he should be played with and comforted frequently. You should expose him to as many new sights, sounds, smells, and sensations as possible. Exposing your kitten to new people, animals, and experiences will help build a foundation for a lifetime of positive behavior. A kitten who hasn’t been properly socialized may develop fear aggression and avoid human contact. At this young age is the best time for him to get used to things such as wearing a collar, riding in a pet carrier, riding in a car,…

  • gray kitten

    Training Your Kitten

    Training a kitten is usually about establishing and reinforcing boundaries and household rules. Using positive reinforcement to train your kitten is the best way to get your message across to your new feline companion. For every “no,” they need a “yes.” Avoid punishing or speaking harshly which will only scare your kitten. Never, ever hit or shake your kitten. Instead, ignore your kitten when she’s behaving badly and give her affection, treats and praise to reward her good behavior. If ignoring isn’t an option, redirect your kitten’s attention to something else. For example, if your kitten bites or scratches your hand, give her a toy to play with instead. If…

  • orange kitten

    Kitten Milestones

    Congratulations on your new kitten! As you watch your little new furbaby grow, you may want to know when the little one will start grooming, using the litter box, or be considered an adult. Find out below about the life changes and stages your new kitten will grow through. Four kitten milestones 2 weeks: The kittens eyes start to open and its sense of smell begins developing. Fun fact: All kittens are born with blue eyes! 3 weeks: The kittens sense of smell is fully developed, its ears become erect, and baby teeth begin to appear. 4 weeks: The kitten starts to explore and will start grooming. 5 weeks: The…

  • kitten

    Kitten Vaccinations

    Cat vaccines are medically and scientifically proven to combat the incubation and transmission of crippling and fatal diseases. They are a cornerstone to helping your feline friend live a long, healthy, and happy life. Your cat should have a specific vaccine protocol formulated by your veterinarian that considers risk factors such as age, overall health, and lifestyle. Are Cat Vaccinations Required By Law? Rabies is the only cat vaccination required by law in the state of Texas; this is true for most of the United States. This is due to the threat that rabies poses to people, and the fact that we still find rabies in our wildlife population throughout…