My Furbabies – Lancelot
Like just about 90% of the country, we got a pet during the corona pandemic as well. After almost 10 years of not having a cat and some major litter box PTSD, I finally decided that I was ready for another feline to enter our household. I searched through the rescues looking for the right rescue and the right kitten. I wanted an older kitten that already had developed the personality that I could choose. I was looking for an outgoing, playful cat who like to lay down next to you, but not necessarily on you. So after a few weeks, I found our Lancelot.
Just like most of our pandemic pets, he’s not very outgoing to stranger and they stress him out. The people that he was exposed during our lockdown months are perfectly fine. This includes one of my son’s friends and his violin teacher. He’s slowly adjusting to other visitors who are coming by more often, but it’s slow going.
As for playfulness, this cat is a blast. He fetches his catnip mouse, he plays with feather toys, catnip infused bags, and toys with balls in tracts. Since he’s confined to our house, we spend quite a bit of time playing with him and trying to enrich his environment. He is very uninterested in going outside and when he fell out through a window screen during one nice weather day, he was very vociferously demanding to get back inside.
As you can see in the photo, Logan and he get along beautifully. They’ll chase each other around the house and play too. Lancelot is only a couple of years old and so far he’s healthy. I’m hoping that this continues, although he has vomited a few times here and there, so I think some inflammatory bowel disease will be in our future. Crossing my fingers that that’s not the case!
I absolutely love having a cat in the house again. Felines bring a special vibe into the home and I’m glad I found my rescue kitten when my kids are still home and able to learn how to live with a cat too.
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