Why does your puppy need vaccines?
Doctors have a way to protect pets from diseases: vaccines. Here’s why your puppy should get them. What is a vaccine? The history of vaccines starts with an epidemic of smallpox, which killed millions of people. In 1796, a physician named Edward Jenner noticed that the milk maids, who were routinely exposed to cowpox, did not get sick with small-pox. He wondered whether their exposure to cowpox protected them, and the idea of vaccination was born. A vaccine exposes the immune system to inactive or incomplete disease-causing agents to train the immune system to quickly and effectively respond when exposed to the real thing. Why do we vaccinate puppies? Since…
Kitten Vaccinations
Cat vaccines are medically and scientifically proven to combat the incubation and transmission of crippling and fatal diseases. They are a cornerstone to helping your feline friend live a long, healthy, and happy life. Your cat should have a specific vaccine protocol formulated by your veterinarian that considers risk factors such as age, overall health, and lifestyle. Are Cat Vaccinations Required By Law? Rabies is the only cat vaccination required by law in the state of Texas; this is true for most of the United States. This is due to the threat that rabies poses to people, and the fact that we still find rabies in our wildlife population throughout…